Incubate Essay Contest
The Sugar Festival + Incubate Essay Contest is a writing competition for middle and high school students from Hendry and Glades counties to explore the importance of sugar in their local community.
The contest is open to students grades 6-12 from Hendry and Glades counties. Essays, 500-750 words in length, must address the following question:
“How has sugar shaped your community?”
Essays will be judged on originality, creativity, and overall quality. The author of the top essay will be awarded a scholarship of $500. Additionally, the teacher, advisor, or counselor who reviews the winning essay will receive $500 cash.
The winner of the essay contest will present his/her essay on the Main Stage of Sugar Festival March 15, 2025.
Submit your essay by Friday, February 14 at 5 PM to sugarfest@incubatedebate.org.